Danh sách các trường miễn chứng minh tài chính du học Úc từ 01/7/2016

15-07-2016 | 5433 lượt xem
Không dễ dàng để có thể chứng minh thu nhập lên tới AU$ 60,000/ năm. Vậy đâu là nhóm trường thuộc diện miễn chứng minh tài chính?!

Quý phụ huynh/ các em học sinh có thể tham khảo danh sách các trường thuộc nhóm ưu tiên 1 (miễn chứng minh tài chính) dưới đây để lựa chọn cho mình một kế hoạch du học hợp lý.

1. Trường đại học
  1. Australian National University, Canberra
  2. Bond University, Gold Coast
  3. Carnegie Mellon University, Sydney
  4. Deakin University, Melbourne
  5. University of South Australia, Adelaide
  6. University of Technology Sydney, Sydney
  7. Macquarie University, Sydney
  8. Monash University, Sydney
  9. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
  10. Royal melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), Melbourne
  11. The University of Adelaide, Adelaide
  12. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne
  13. The University of New England, NSW
  14. The University of New South Wales, Sydney
  15. The University of Notre Dame Australia, Perth
  16. The University of Queensland, Brisbane
  17. The University of Sydney, Sydney
  18. The University of Western Australia, Perth
  19. Torrens University Australia Limited, Adelaide - Sydney - Melbourne - Brisbane
2. Cao đẳng, tiếng Anh
  1. EF International Language Schools Pty Ltd, Brisbane
  2. English Language Company Australia Pty Ltd
  3. Flight Training Adelaide Pty Ltd, Adelaide
  4. Gold Coast Language Schools Pty Ltd, Gold Coast
  5. Greenwich English College Pty Ltd
  6. Hawthorn Learning Pty Ltd, Melbourne
  7. International College of Hotel Management (ICHM Pty Ltd), Sydney
  8. ILSC Pty Ltd, Brisbane
  9. Kaplan International Pty Ltd, Brisbane - Cairns - Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth
  10. Kaplan International English Pty Ltd, Australia
  11. KAPS Institute of Management Pty Ltd, Melbourne - Brisbane
  12. NAVITAS English Services Pty Ltd
  13. Monash College Pty Ltd
  14. Performance English Pty Ltd, Melbourne - Sydney
  15. SAE Institute Pty Ltd, Sydney - Melbourne - Brisbane - Perth
  16. Study Group Australia Pty Ltd
  17. TAFE Queensland East Coast, East Coast - Queensland
  18. Viva College Pty Ltd
  19. William Angliss Institute of TAFE, Melbourne - Sydney
3. Trung học
  1. Taylor College, Sydney, Perth
  2. The Kilmore International School Ltd
  3. South Australia Government School, Adelaide
  4. Education Queensland International (EQI)
  5. John Paul International College
  6. ACT Government School
Nguồn: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Stud/education-providers